The avocado Leaf: (Peresea drymifolia)
The Avocado tree is partially self-pollinating and is most commonly known for their fruit, the avocado, which is globally consumed and at the moment under a lot of controversy with its high water footprint and the ever-growing international food trend pushing up the prices for regional consumers in low economic areas.
But there is more to this plant than its fruits with their delicious buttery content and its high-quality oil.
There are other culinary applications, such as the seed and the leaf.
Today we are going to write about the leaf which is still an under-utilised part of this amazing tree.
The avocado leaf can be used to wrap and protect food while cooking or as a trivet but it also can be used as a spice adding more depth of flavour and enhancing your culinary creations.
When using Avocado leaves which can range from 12 to 25 cm can be used fresh, but also in dried form. It is best to toast them before using them as this allows their flavour to develop and tap into their full potential adding a slight anise flavour with hints of nut aromas. Some people also believe Avocado leaves have healing attributes as used in traditional medicine used in teas and tonics as well as balsam applications.
Though keep in mind Persin is a fungicidal toxin present in the Guatemalan variety of avocado, the ripe pulp of the avocado fruit and leaves of all other varieties are generally considered harmless to humans though it can effect Rabbits cat, and dogs if they consume the leaves and bark.